What are Session Posters?

Session posters are placeholders that your users see in the content area if no content (livestream, video, conference, etc.) is currently being played. 

In other words, whenever the session is not yet open or the session has already ended.

Posters are often used to welcome participants personally in advance, to provide them with information about the session or to collect feedback afterward.

stage session poster view

Which posters are displayed when?

In STREAMBOXY there is the option to set an individual poster in three different statuses:

  • In the "scheduled" status, all users (speakers and attendees) will see the content you have posted. 
  • As soon as you open the room, your participants will see the content set for this status - speakers will see the session content (livestream, conference or content page) beforehand. This is the status "Open for speakers". 
  • A poster for the status "ended" is displayed equally to all users, but only if no recording is available.

Where are posters defined?

The posters are arranged in a hierarchy and inherit the settings to the respective subordinate position.

The more specific setting always overwrites the higher-level setting.


What are the types of posters to define?

STREAMBOXY supports three types of posters.

Poster overview


By default, only your logo and the sentence "Your session starts on "date" at "time"!" are displayed.


Here you can integrate externally provided content pages, images and applications (provided this is permitted by the owner) into STREAMBOXY as iframes.

In order to personalize content, STREAMBOXY allows the use of URL placeholders to transfer session title, username, language, user ID, etc. Further information and assistance on this option can be found here.

Common use cases include embedded personalized greetings, surveys, contact forms, etc.

As a simpler way of maintaining session posters, you can import an image, for example from PowerPoint or Photoshop, into the Content Manager or create one there.

After uploading, the image is compressed for faster delivery and automatically adapts to different screen sizes.

Further information on the image editor can be found here.

Image editor

To select a file saved in the Content Manager, click on the folder icon and select it.

choose an Asset

If you have selected a file for your poster from the Content Manager, its URL will automatically appear in the line. By clicking on the file name, you have the option of editing the file again in the Content Manager. A preview of your poster file is also displayed under the file name.

poster URL

Videos can also be made available to participants before or after the event. 

Before the event, they can be used as inserts, for example.

After the event, the edited recording can be made available to participants again as a poster. Videos can be easily uploaded in the Content Manager and integrated as tenant posters or event posters.

How can I customize an individual Poster?

You can also setup an indiviual poster, which can be set to display any image, asset or webpage.

However, we also provide a service for creating customizable posters automatically. To create an individual poster use static.streamboxy.com/templates/poster-with-countdown in the input for the URL and set the text by appending the following parameters. Don't forget to prefix the first parameter with a ? and postpend parameters with = to seperate them from the value. Please prepend & to all additional parameters.

To use the default text, please provide the following parameters to fill the placeholders:

  • userName - full name of the user
  • sessionTitle - title of the session / event

Alternatively you can also specify a completely custom text instead:

  • customLineOne - first line of displayed text
  • customLineTwo - second line of displayed text

You can further customize the poster by providing any number of the following optional parameters:

  • imgUrl - URL to the image displayed in the background 
  • textColor - color of the main text (use a six-digit hex-colot without the #-prefix as the value)
  • sessionStartDate - determines the point in time to which the countdown counts down (encoded as UTC/ISO-String)

You can also use placeholders as values or within the values for these parameters. You can find more information regarding our placeholders here.

Example configurations:


With Template, you can select one of the templates provided by STREAMBOXY. You can choose between a poster with countdown or a session planner for the participants.

select a template view

Poster with countdown

If you select "Poster with countdown", a countdown to the start time of your event will be generated automatically. The background can be adapted independently. Each participant is personally welcomed ("Welcome "Name of participant") and the title of the event is mentioned ("at "Name of event").

For detailed information about the configuration and the code to build your individual poster, please click here

stage view

Example poster with countdown (the name of the participant here is "Admin"; the title of the event is "Test"). The event will start at this time in 15 hours, 18 minutes and 33 seconds.

Session Planner

Select "Session Planner" in the dropdown under "Template", then a Session Planner appears in the corresponding status on the screen interface. A Session Planner lets you add the corresponding agenda item as an entry in your calendar. 

For a Session Planner, you first need a STREAMBOXY event with various subsessions. These are displayed in the custom agenda. It is important that the visibility in the portal settings of each subsession is configured for "logged in users" or "anonymous users". Visibility must also be configured for "logged in users" or "anonymous users" in the portal settings of the event. 

If you enter the correct URL on the content page, the subsession will be displayed in your custom agenda. 

To include the custom agenda in STREAMBOXY, you must include the STREAMBOXY URL placeholders as query parameters in the custom agenda URL. 

You need the following URL parameters: 

  • userToken
  • tenantId
  • eventId

An example can be found here: https://samples.streamboxy.com/custom-agenda?token={{userToken}}&tenantId={tenantId}}&eventId={eventId}} 

This example URL could be inserted into a URL input field of a content page in STREAMBOXY.

Example Stage with Session Planner from the participant's point of view: 

Participants can now use the Session Planner to save the various subsessions as an entry in their personal calendar and/or add the corresponding subsession to their personal (customizable) agenda. In this way, participants can put together their own individual agenda. 

session scheduler stage view

Example Session Planner in STREAMBOXY Stage

Download subsession as calendar entry: 

download subsession as calendar entry

Add subsession to the personal agenda: 

Add subsession to the personal agenda:

After you have added the subsession to your personal agenda, the subsession appears in your agenda and you have the following further options. You can remove the subsession from your agenda by clicking on the "x". 

delete session from your agenda

If you want to switch directly to this sub-session (breakout session), click on the arrow symbol. 

participate session

Event setting

The configuration of the event posters can be found in the event settings under "Posters". 

These posters apply to all sessions of the event as long as no separate definition has been created in individual sessions.

Session setting

The configuration of the session posters can be found in the session settings at Agenda and Sessions V2 within the tab Poster.

These posters only apply to the individual session.

How long does it take for my change to be visible?

Changes to posters are updated immediately for all events, sessions and attendees. 

Posters update for the attendee without the attendee having to reload the page to do so. 

This allows for last minute adjustments or during ongoing events.