What does this article say?

This article lists all relevant DNS Entries and used IP Adresses for the Streamboxy Platform.

This list can be used to whitelist STREAMBOXY in firewalls, optimize Traffic etc.

Streamboxy Platform

Recommended Whitelist setting:

Domain Protokoll IP Ports
*.streamboxy.com https, websocket secure (wss) DYNAMIC TCP: 443

More specific Domains and IPs (subject to change):

We recommend to use the setting above with a wildcard on *.streamboxy.com. In case this is not possible in your environment, you'll find a list of the currently used subdomains below.
Please be aware that this list may change during further Streamboxy development.

Domain Protokoll IP Ports
stage.streamboxy.com https DYNAMIC TCP: 443
app.streamboxy.com https DYNAMIC TCP: 443
account.streamboxy.com https DYNAMIC TCP: 443
auth.streamboxy.com https (inbound) TCP: 443
backbone.streamboxy.com https, websocket secure (wss) (inbound) TCP: 443
static.streamboxy.com https DYNAMIC TCP: 443
samples.streamboxy.com https DYNAMIC TCP: 443
stageassets.streamboxy.com https DYNAMIC TCP: 443


Domain Protokoll IP Ports
streamboxyamsprod-gewc1.streaming.media.azure.net https DYNAMIC TCP: 443

Streaming - Upstream (only required if you are upstreaming)

Domain Protokoll IP Ports
rtmps://<Generierte UUID>-streamboxyamsprod-gewc1.channel.media.azure.net rtmps DYNAMIC TCP: 2935, 2936

Conferencing & Teams Interoperability

Domain IP Ports
*.skype.com DYNAMIC TCP: 443, 80
*.microsoft.com DYNAMIC TCP: 443, 80
*.azure.net DYNAMIC TCP: 443, 80
*.azure.com DYNAMIC TCP: 443, 80
*.azureedge.net DYNAMIC TCP: 443, 80
*.office.com DYNAMIC TCP: 443, 80
*.trouter.io DYNAMIC TCP: 443, 80
DYNAMIC (Optional - in Case Traffic should not be routed through TURN Server ) Microsoft Public IP Ranges (Download Azure IP Ranges) TCP: 443, UDP: 3478 - 3481