Note: If this area is greyed out, please get in touch with your STREAMBOXY contact for more information.

The settings in the Backstage appearance area allow you to customise the backstage to your desired CI. 

The following settings are possible:

Accent colour

The accent colour in the backstage can be adapted to your company CI by selecting a different colour code. Except for the header, all controls in the backstage that currently use STREAMBOXY Orange will use the accent colour after a change.

Backstage Header

Backstage Logo

The logo in the backstage can also be customised. By default, the STREAMBOXY logo is displayed at the top left.
SBXY logo

To integrate your own logo, you can insert a link to your logo or upload it in the Content Manager and then select it via the folder icon. By default, logos are limited to 1MB. You can also upload and allow larger files, but this can lead to longer loading times for your users until the logo is displayed.

By customising the backstage look, it is possible to set up customer-specific backstages without having to name streamboxy in front of your end customer.