A Livestream is a virtual Format, wich does not allow participant Audio/Video but therefore enables several thousand participants.
Where and when can I find my livestream?
A livestream can be played either in the main room or in individual sessions.
You can only see the sessions with your livestream when the speaker opens the room for participants and starts it.
Depending on the organizer's settings, the livestream is available as a recording afterwards.
Livestream Player Operation
During the livestream, a banner is displayed at the top of the video, which can be used to activate or deactivate the mute function.
This can be controlled either via the button on the banner ("Unmute") or via the keyboard. The banner can be hidden completely by pressing "Close message".

During the livestream, a banner is displayed at the top of the video, which can be used to activate or deactivate the mute function.
This can be controlled either via the button on the banner ("Unmute") or via the keyboard. The banner can be hidden completely by pressing "Close message".
Pressing the pause sign at the bottom left pauses the livestream. By pressing the play sign, the stream can be restarted. When recording, the livestream continues at the stopped point.
At the bottom right of the settings bar, the subtitle can be switched on and off by clicking on the subtitle icon. The subtitle is automatically off at the beginning.
To watch the livestream with subtitles, "automatically generated" must be selected via the icon.
Subtitles are only available if activated by the organizer.
Stream Quality
At the bottom right of the settings bar, you can click on the icon to set the quality independently.
Initially, the quality is set to "automatic", this setting provides the best possible quality for your Internet bandwidth.
Volume and Muting
At the bottom right of the settings bar, you can adjust the volume independently by clicking on the icon.
The volume can be adjusted using the mouse on the slider. By clicking on the icon, the sound can be turned off completely.
Full Screen Mode
At the bottom right of the settings bar, you can expand the display of the livestream to full screen mode independently by clicking on the double arrow icon (left image).
By pressing the ESC key or on the two arrows (right image), the full screen mode can be undone.
More information
More information and detailed description of the user interface can be found here.