What can the integration of a video be used for?

The video can be used for integration into a content page, to include edited recordings as posters after your event (analytics are not falsified in this case), or for email templates. 

Simply load your desired video and the content management interface, edit and place it.

How do I upload a video to the Content Manager?

To create a video in the Content Manager, click on Upload in the Content Manager overview.


The files of your end device will open. You can select the desired video from these.

Videos in the following formats are supported: mp4, mkv, mov, avi, webm

Once you have selected a video, it will be created in STREAMBOXY. 

During the creation process, there are three possible statuses that can be displayed in STREAMBOXY.

  • Pending (pending - the video is not currently being created, but is still being created).
  • Prosessing (In progress - the video is currently being created and made available as an asset).
  • Finished (Completed - creation is complete and the thumbnail is generated automatically).

The video creation may take a few minutes depending on the size of the video. Please reload the page to check the current creation status. The status is not automatically updated.

Once your video has been created, you can display it by including the asset URL in the appropriate place in STREAMBOXY or by using the "Show preview" function.

Save your settings under "Save".

Please note that it may take up to 10 minutes for your saved changes to be applied.