
Content-Management overview
What does the content management overview contain? In addition to the event overview included in STREAMBOX, there is also the content management overview....
Mon, 22 Apr, 2024 13:34
Create and edit e-mail templates & content pages with EDITOR
What is content in the Content Manager Editor? Content in STREAMBOXY Content Management can be content pages, for the creation of event landing pa...
Mon, 22 Apr, 2024 13:33
Edit image
What can the integration of an image be used for? The content management image can be used for integration into a content page.  Simply load your desire...
Fri, 19 Jan, 2024 10:41
Content metadata & language versions
What are language versions? Your content can be created and managed in different language versions in your Content Manager.  There is a distinction betw...
Wed, 8 May, 2024 13:46
Create and edit e-mail templates & content pages as HTML
What is content in the Content Manager HTML? Content in STREAMBOXY Content Management can be Content pages, for the creation of event landing page...
Tue, 12 Dec, 2023 9:51
Send test e-mail
To send a test email for an event, the following steps must be carried out. 1. Create an email template in your Content Manager. 2. Go to the partic...
Thu, 1 Feb, 2024 16:25
Placeholder / Merge tags
In STREAMBOXY you have the option of adding merge tags to your notification templates. The following merge tags are created with curly brackets {{plac...
Thu, 1 Feb, 2024 16:28
What can the integration of a video be used for? The video can be used for integration into a content page, to include edited recordings as posters after ...
Wed, 8 May, 2024 13:45