What are external tools?

STREAMBOXY can integrate external tools into the platform to make events more interactive. 

These tools can be defined individually for each main or breakout session.
The configuration of external tools is done by the you as the organizer / admin within the backstage.

Examples of external tools that can be integrated in STREAMBOXY:

  • Mentimeter (Polls)
  • Typeforms (Surveys)
  • Miro Whiteboards
  • Shops
  • Presentations
  • Custom Developed Solutions

Documentation for Participants and Speakers

You are in the documentation of the ORGANIZER features.

  • The documentation "External Tool Functions" of the Participants can be found here.
  • The documentation "External Tool Functions" of the Speakers can be found here.

Configuration of External Tools

In the settings, you as the organizer have the option of configuring external tools for your events and individual breakout sessions.

In Backstage, click on "Edit Event" and select "Main session settings V2" in the navigation bar that opens.

Below this is a tab with external tools.

If no external tools have been defined yet, the interface looks like this:

Add a new external tool

By clicking on the button "Add new external tool", a new area opens where you can make various settings. As soon as you have added an external tool, it appears in the left navigation bar in the lobby area.

Tool Icon

By clicking on the tool icon, you can select one of a number of different icons, which will then be displayed in the left-hand navigation bar of the stage.

Tool Description

You can also add a tool description, which is then displayed in the tool panel in the stage.

Add Tool 

You have the option to define a tool by selecting it from the Content Management or by entering the address in the URL field.

Tool Type

Choose between three display types for the tool in the Stage:

Panel (display the tool in a side panel next to the main content)

Full-screen panel (full-screen display of the tool and overlap the main content)

New window (tool is displayed in a new browser tab)

Activate external tool

Decide whether the tool should be active or whether you want to activate it during the event, for example.

All settings can be adjusted synchronously during the running event.

To finalize the creation of the tool, click on "Submit".  

Example Icons: 

Example Icons

Sample Stage with four external tools. The whiteboard (sample tool) is highlighted. The black text box shows the tool description described above.

The representations of different tools in the stage environment are shown in the participant and speaker documentation.

The whiteboard (sample tool)

Tool Position

Use the drag-and-drop function to arrange the menu items in the desired order and save them after edit.

Configuring External Tools in (Breakout) Sessions

The External Tools function can be configured not only in the main session (lobby), but also in the individual agenda items/sessions.

To activate external tools in a (breakout) session, click on "Agenda and Sessions" in the navigation bar in the backstage to create and edit agenda items.

To enable external tools in an agenda item, click on the "pencil icon" (edit) next to the agenda item.

This opens the "Edit agenda item" window. If you have created the agenda item as a session (livestream, conference or content page), you need to set the configuration for this particular session here.

Here you can create, position and activate the external tools - as before in the main session settings.