What are Menu Items?

STREAMBOXY can display Menu Items in the Stage in addition to the left and right navigation bars (for articles on this, see here). These are URL pages that can either be embedded in the session or opened as a newer tab.

As an organizer, you can configure these menu items individually in Backstage.

They are located at the top below the session header.

Clicking on the menu items takes you to the respective website.

Example: There are 2 menu items in this session: "Workshops (Sample Content)" and "YourBrand Website".

They are located in the documentation of the ORGANIZER functions.

Participant Features

The documentation for the view of the participant functions can be found here.

Speaker Features

The documentation for the view of the speaker functions can be found here.

Configuration of menu items

In the Backstage settings, you as an organizer have the option of configuring the menu items for your events.

To do this, click on "Edit event" in your tenant to open the settings.

In the navigation bar that opens, select the tab "Menu Items".

Here, as an example, two menu items have already been configured, which are displayed in the stage below the header (see above).

To edit an already existing menu item, click on the pencil on the right in the field.

To delete an already existing menu item, click on the cross to the right in the field.

To add a new menu item, click on the button "Add Menu Item" in the upper right corner.

Title and content URL

In the panel that opens, you can now define the title and the content of the menu item. Both are necessary for the configuration.

The title is displayed in the stage (see title above: "Workshops (Sample Content)").

The content of the menu item can be a Content Managerasset (image, video, PDF, website...) or a template.

Note that you can also use dynamic placeholders such as {{sessionTitle}} in the links - these will be replaced when called up. Only set the token for applications you trust and extend the privacy policy of your end users if necessary. For more details, see the support portal.

You can find more information on templates here. 

Menu item type

Here you can decide whether you want the web page behind the menu item to open as a "new window" or to embed it in the session as a "content page".

If you select "New window", a new tab will open in your browser when you click on the menu item.

If you select "Content page", the page is embedded in the session and acts like a content page. 

Example embedded menu item "Workshops (Sample Content)":

Workshops (Sample Content)

To finalize the configuration of the menu item, click on "Submit" below.

The menu item then appears in the list of configured elements.

New menu item "Test" in the backstage:

Menu Item Order

Use the drag-and-drop functionality in order to rearrange the menu items to your liking.


Only if the button "Save menu item order" is pressed the new sequence of menu items is saved.

New menu item "Test" in the stage:

The menu item "Test"  is in first position, "Workshops (Sample Content)" in second position, and "YourBrand Website" in third position. "Start" is not counted in the order.