STREAMBOXY Interaction Features

Document Exchange Organizer Features
What is the Document Exchange? With the documents exchange feature you can easily provide the participants of your event with relevant documents such as a...
Fri, 2 Sep, 2022 13:43
Chat Organizer Features
What is the chat? With the help of the chat, you can communicate with other participants during a session. As an organizer, you have extended control op...
Wed, 10 Aug, 2022 13:36
Q&A Organizer Features
What is the Q&A Feature? The Q&A feature allows speakers and organizers to conduct moderated question rounds during the event. Participants ...
Wed, 10 Aug, 2022 13:42
Survey Organizer Features
What are surveys? With the help of surveys, speakers can poll the participants live during the session or take votes. Documentation for ...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 14:07
Automatically opened panels
You can select which panels will be automatically opened in the stage. It is possible to select from a list of predefined panels like chat or session detail...
Fri, 31 May, 2024 9:41