What is in this article?

This article describes which languages are supported in STREAMBOXY (Stage, Backstage, User Signup, Notification settings, Custom Properties), how to select them and how to set them.  

What languages are supported in STREAMBOXY?

STREAMBOXY has either two or five languages to choose from in Backstage, Stage, User Sign Up, Notification Settings and Custom Properties

Please note that you can request to apply additional languages at any time. If required, please contact us here


In the Backstage (in your STREAMBOXY tenant), your browser language (if available) is initially selected and adopted for the Backstage language (if this is German or English). 

However, you can manually choose between two languages (language switcher):  

  • German (DE)
  • English (EN)

For the language selection in the Backstage, click on your name in the upper right corner. A field will open in which you can select the language next to the design and the function of logging out. The language selected is highlighted in colour.  

backstage language switcher

Language selection in the backstage. English has been set as the language here.


In the stage, your browser language (if available) will be selected first and adopted for the stage language.

However, you as the organizer, the speakers and the participants can manually choose between five languages (language switcher): 

  • German (DE)
  • English (EN)
  • French (FR)
  • Spanish (ES)
  • Italian (IT)

To select a language in the Stage, click on the language abbreviation in the upper right corner. The languages to select are noted in the corresponding language. 

stage language switcher

Language selection in the stage. English has been set as the language here.

User Sign Up

During user sing up, your browser language (if available) is selected for the language selection and adopted for the registration form. 

However, event users can manually display the registration form and interface in five languages using the language switcher (see Stage language selection): 

  • German (DE)
  • English (EN)
  • French (FR)
  • Spanish (ES)
  • Italian (IT)

To select a language on the registration form, click on the language abbreviation in the lower right corner. To select a language, click on the corresponding language abbreviation. 

user sign up language switcher

Language selection during user sign up. English has been set as the language here.


In the notification settings (sending invitation emails and reminder emails) you can decide in which language the notification template for sending emails to participants should be. 

Again (see Stage and User Sign Up Language Selection) you can choose between five languages: 

  • German (DE)
  • English (EN)
  • French (FR)
  • Spanish (ES)
  • Italian (IT)

Furthermore, in the notification templates you have the option to choose between five custom templates. With these, you can customize all elements to your liking, including your desired language.

The notification languages can also be assigned to each participant individually or in the event notification settings for an event.

notification language switcher

Language selection for the notification settings in the Backstage. German has been set as the language here.

Custom Properties

With the custom properties, you can add labels in different languages to the property. When the labels have been created, they are subsequently also displayed in the corresponding language. 

The labels can be created in five languages: 

  • German (DE)
  • English (EN)
  • French (FR)
  • Spanish (ES)
  • Italian (IT)

The creation of a property and the configuration of the languages of the labels takes place in the STREAMBOXY Backstage. 

For more information about the custom properties, their creation and possible applications, click here.

custom property languages

Language selection (labels) when creating custom properties. 

Tenant language settings

In the Tenant Settings for Admins, the language settings of the custom propertiesstage and user self sign up can be managed and restricted. For more information, see the documentation article on language settings.