This article describes the anonymous user registration and its configuration options.

The selection logged in users has the setting options:

  • Registration link
  • Embedding code
  • Custom description for privacy policy
  • Show summary 
  • Double Opt In 
  • Forwarding after completed registration
  • On-site subscriber after registration
  • Whitelisting 
  • Form Editor
  • Individual Session Registration

First, you will be prompted to save your changes to activate user registration.

This can be done by clicking the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

After saving, you will be presented with the 

  • registration link and the 
  • embed code will be available.

Users (participants, speakers) of your event can use the registration link to register on their own.
registration overview

The embed code can be embedded on any web page to enable registration from there.

embed form

The buttons next to the two fields allow you to copy the corresponding content with one click.

If the embed code is used, the form appears without background.


Individual Session Registration:

You have the possibility that users can register for individual sessions and not only the whole event.
To add this feature simply check the box to enable specific session registration to the form.

Now click on MANAGE SESSIONS and select the sessions you want by checking the box next to it or simply select all with the corresponding button.
Afterwards confirm your selection.

Now when users register for the event they will have to select the session they want to register for before the process of the form can be completed.

Own description of privacy policy

In the Custom Privacy Consent Description field you can enter your own text, which will be displayed next to the Privacy Policy Consent checkbox. 

If you leave the field empty, a default message will be displayed.

Default message in registration form: 
Default message in registration form

Sample text for own description of privacy consent: 

Sample text for own description of privacy consent

Custom summary confirmation text  

With this setting, after the event user has entered their data, you can display it again in a summary and have it confirmed.

Example registration form with confirmation of data: 

 Example registration form with confirmation of data

To complete the registration, the confirmation hook (example: Sample summary confirmation text) must be selected. This text can be set individually in the Backstage settings "Custom summary confirmation text". If you leave the field empty, a default message will be displayed to the user.

By selecting the "Go Back" button, changes can be made to the registration form. 

Clicking on "Register" will complete and submit the registration with the confirmed data. This is only possible if the checkbox is ticked. 

Double Opt In

By activating the double opt in, your attendee will receive an additional email after submitting the registration data, in which he/she must first confirm his/her email address in order to continue with the registration process. 

If the double opt in email is successfully confirmed, your attendee will receive their individual access link for your event in a separate email in the following minutes.

The email text for sending the individual access link can also be customized according to your wishes in the custom mail templates.

The status of the double opt in is also displayed in the attendance export

Forwarding after completed registration

In the next section, you have the option to select what should happen after users successfully register for your event.

If you select "None", event users will receive a success message after successful registration and remain on the registration page.

If you select "To Event", event users will be redirected directly to your event after a short wait.

If you select "Custom redirect", you can write any URL in the text field to which the event users should be forwarded.

On site participants after registration

If you select "Onsite participants after registration", every event user will be created as an on site attendee after registration.


By setting the hack at "Whitelisting" the restriction of the registration of certain email domains is activated. Without entry of released domains no registration is possible at first. An error message will appear when trying to register. 

Attention: When creating your domain you have to pay attention to the correct domain format. Possible formats are,,

Form Editor

With anonymous user registration, you can fill the registration form for your event with the custom properties you have already created. 

Please note that the Form Editor will not appear until you have saved the "Anonymous User Registration" settings once. 

Structure and usage of the form editor

On the left side you will find the form layout. On this registration form, in addition to your event name, date and time of your event, the email and name of your event users are also requested during registration.

If you want to add any new block to the form you select the Add field button, where you can select all your custom properties.
The available properties that you previously defined can be defined in your tenant's settings under "Custom Properties".

If you want to move the block within the form use the arrow buttons, to delete click on the x.
Note: E-Mail and Name cannot be deleted.

Add text blocks

You have the possibility to insert as many text blocks as you want into your registration form. 

The text blocks cannot be filled in by the registrants in the form, but are only used to describe and display information about other fields. 

Like the custom properties, they can be accessed trough the Add Field button.

As soon as the text block is selected into the form, a text field appears in which you can define your content. 

Mandatory fields

After inserting it, you can decide whether this property should be a mandatory field on the registration form and thus mandatory to be filled in by the event user during registration. If you do not check the box "Mandatory field", the event user can fill in the field on his own during registration.

Hidden field

In addition to marking your inserted field as a required field, you can also mark it as a "Hidden field".

Thus the field is not visible in the registration form, but the created custom property can be passed in the user registration URL.

This is possible by opening the registration link from the Backstage in a new browser tab and continuing to write in the URL after the registration link: 
"?" + the internal name of the custom property + "=" + the HiddenFieldValue 

By using a "/" multiple hidden fields can be strung together.

You can see an example in the screenshot of a user registration URL. This goes to de-DE and the custom property is passed at the "?".

Link sample

If an attendee has now registered for your event via the user registration form, the user-defined property can be read out in the event user overview.

For example, the hidden fields find application in tracking UTM parameters. UTM parameters are tags that can be added to a URL to track where website visitors come from and how they interact with your website. By adding these tags to links in your event-marketing campaigns, you can see which campaigns are generating the most traffic and conversions, or in your case, event signups.

These are created as custom properties in Tenant settings and can be added to the registration link through the hidden fields.
When it comes to event registration, hidden fields that capture UTM parameters can be very useful as they allow you to see which marketing campaigns are driving the most signups. For example, if you run an email campaign and a social media campaign to promote your event, you can use UTM parameters to track which campaign generates the most signups.
Therefore, before launching your campaign, create links for the appropriate channels and sources, which are then read via the hidden fields.  

By using hidden fields to capture UTM parameters in your event registration form, you can determine which campaigns are most effective and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly. The hidden fields are automatically populated with the information from the corresponding link for each attendee with a completed registration.
This allows you to optimize your marketing efforts and get the best results for your event.


Conditions allow you to link individual fields in an anonymous user registration to certain conditions from previous fields.

To use the conditions, custom properties must have been created in advance in the tenant settings. How these must be set is explained in detail in our documentation article.

In order to be able to set a condition, all user-defined properties must have already been added and saved in the anonymous user registration form before setting the respective conditions.

The user-defined property relevant to the condition can now be selected.

A column opens under the selection line in which the condition is entered.

The following conditions are possible using the user-defined property settings:

  • Decimal number
    The exact same number must be entered here. For example, 2 and 2.0 should not be considered the same, as they could be separated differently by different users (comma, full stop, etc.).
  • Checkbox
    For checkboxes there are only the values true (selected) or false (left blank / not selected).
  • Text field
    In the text field, the same answer must also be entered in upper and lower case in order to fulfil the condition.
  • Date
    The date can be specified in various ways (with / or . or hyphen).
  • Dopdown list
    In a dopdown list, the possible selection options according to which the condition is to separate must match exactly (same values) so that they can also be displayed as a dependency. Upper and lower case must also be taken into account.
  • Multiple selection
    In the case of a multiple selection, only the value selected in the condition must be specified. Values selected beyond this do not distort the display.

Example of use:

Specifying an address for new customers.

In these examples, a check field "Customer?" is displayed. In the backstage, the condition field must be activated for all user-defined properties that are required and the user-defined property "Customer" must be set to "true" as a condition.

Backstage view:

Anonymous user registration view:

view 1

view 2

RegEx validation

RegEx validation can be used to insert a fixed or maximum length for the field contents to be specified as well as pattern comparisons.

The RegEx settings are only possible for text or number fields.

regex validation

Possible examples of this are:

  1. Fixed length: 
    Format: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{<Fixed_Length>}$
    Example: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}$
    The fixed length is set to 10 digits: Fixed_Length = 10

  2. Minimum and maximum length:
    Format: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{<Min_Length,Max_Length>}$
    Example: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,10}$
    The range of the length is set from 0 - 10 digits.

  3. Pattern comparison:
    Beispiel: ^[0-9]{8}[A-Z][0-9]{3}$
    The pattern match comprises a variable 8-digit number sequence, a capital letter from A-Z followed by three variable numbers. This format is used to display insurance numbers, for example. 
    This makes it possible to query telephone numbers, passport data or insurance numbers with fixed lengths and content patterns.

RegEx codes can also be tested online in advance.

Remove field properties

You can also delete the inserted property and move it back to the right side to "Available properties" by clicking "Remove field". 

Save final registration form for event users

To save and finalize your changes to the registration form, click the "Save" button below. 

Orientation on the anonymous user registration page

Page elements

When users follow the registration link, they will be taken to the following page, described in more detail below.

  1. Name of the event stored in the event settings.
  2. Start date and time of the event.
  3. Input field for the event user's name.
  4. Input field for the event user's e-mail address. (The invitation link will be sent to this address automatically if the function is activated).
  5. Box for confirmation of the privacy policy.
  6. Link to the privacy page specified in the privacy settings.
  7. Button for submitting the registration (is only activated if all input fields and the selection field are filled in and the privacy policy has been confirmed).
  8. Links to the web pages for the support portal and the imprint specified in the support settings.
  9. Selection field for the language in which this form page should be displayed.

Design backround

Design background

You can customize the background style of the registration page. 

Example - branding of the registration page:

Registrierungsseite Branding

User registration language

By default, the user registration form is displayed in the appropriate language of your browser. 

There are two ways to change the language of the form:

  1. Language selection box
  2. A URL parameter was selected

Language selection box 

On the registration page, event users can choose between five languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) in the selection box at the bottom right. 

Sprache der Benutzerregistrierung

Das Formular wird nach Auswahl in der entsprechenden Sprache angezeigt. Bei Neuladen der Seite ist es möglich, dass die Sprache wieder in die standardmäßig festgelegte Browsersprache wechselt.

URL-Parameter für die Sprache
Um die Benutzerregistrierung standardmäßig auf eine Sprache festzulegen und diese auch bei erneutem Laden der Seite bestehen bleibt, kann in der URL die Sprache durch einen Parameter festgelegt werden. 

Die URL der Benutzerregistrierungsseite befindet sich oben in der Suchleiste des Browsers. 

URL Parameter Registrierungsseite

Dort können Sie durch Einfügen der gewünschten Sprache die Benutzerregistrierung standardmäßig in der individuellen gewünschten Sprache einstellen. 

Folgende Parameter geben Sie für die entsprechenden Sprachen hinter der Registrierungs-URL (nach einem "/") zusätzlich mit an. 

  • Deutsch: de-DE
  • Englisch: en-US
  • Französisch: fr-FR
  • Italienisch: it-It
  • Spanisch: es-Es

Beispiel für die Sprache Französisch (fr-FR): 

Beispiel für die Sprache Französisch (fr-FR