Participant Management

Event user overview
What is in this article? This article provides an overview of the participant management options in STREAMBOXY and navigates to the corresponding sub-...
Mon, 19 Feb, 2024 15:51
Create Event Users manually
What does this article say? This article explains how to create event users manually. If you want to create multiple event users at the same time, you c...
Fri, 19 Jan, 2024 13:58
Import Event Users
What does this article say? This article explains how you can import several users at the same time in your tenant (STREAMBOXY Backstage) and thus do ...
Wed, 13 Mar, 2024 10:41
Create User Import File
If you want to import users, you need an Excel file in xlsx format. You can download a valid template during the import process. When you open the...
Tue, 7 Mar, 2023 17:14
User Self-Signup
Where can I find the setting options of the user registration? As an organizer you can configure the user registration in the STREAMBOXY Backstage.  The...
Mon, 10 Jun, 2024 14:16
Single Sign-On Configuration (Admin Guide)
What is Single Sign On? Single Sign On allows your users to log in with their Microsoft (Office 365) or Azure AD accounts. This option is availa...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 11:05
Remove user from (running) main session
To remove a participant from an ongoing session, you must remove the participant from the participant overview in the backstage area. To do this, click on...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 10:51
One-time passwords usage
What is an one-time password? An one-time password is used for dynamic security of your sessions. A one-time password is sent to the participant's...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 10:56
Export event users
What does this article say? This article explains how you can download the event user list including the access links in your tenant (STREAMBOXY Backstage...
Wed, 13 Mar, 2024 10:17
Manual E-mail Dispatch
What is the content of this article? The article deals with the use of the function of manual e-mailing of registered subscribers within the platform. T...
Sat, 21 Jan, 2023 11:58