Speaker Interaction Features

Chat Speaker Features
What is the STREAMBOXY Chat? Using the Chat feature you are able to communicate with other participants during a Session using text messages. As Spe...
Wed, 6 Apr, 2022 11:26
Q&A Speaker Features
What is in this article? This article describes STREAMBOXY's Q&A feature and what speakers can do in relation to Q&A. The following cont...
Fri, 8 Mar, 2024 17:32
Survey Speaker Features
What are surveys? With the help of surveys, speakers can poll the participants live during the session or take votes. Speaker Features ...
Fri, 17 May, 2024 11:59
External Tools Speaker Features
What are external tools? STREAMBOXY can integrate external tools into the platform to make events more interactive.  These tools can be defined indi...
Wed, 6 Apr, 2022 11:27
Document Exchange Speaker Features
What is the Document Exchange? With the documents exchange feature you can easily provide the participants of your event with relevant documents such as a...
Fri, 2 Sep, 2022 13:38