What is the Sign Up approval?

If the "Sign Up approval" selection is chosen, each user registration must be manually approved by the administrator or organizer of the event. This way it can be ensured that only authorized persons get access to the session. 
Sign-Up Approval

After the registration is enabled 

After registration approval is enabled in the event settings, you need to select whether to send an email to the event users after accepted and/or rejected registration to inform about its approval status. 

These emails can be customized in the templates according to their content and appearance.

The following emails can be sent upon registration approval: 

  • Email with release information

The user will receive an email with the information that his registration has been submitted for approval. 

  • Email with rejected registration

The user will receive an email with the information that their registration has been rejected. 

Where can event users be accepted or rejected?

Event users appear in the participant management overview in STREAMBOXY Backstage. 

You can filter the list of event users by different criteria. 

Under the "Registration Approval" filter, you can filter attendees by the following: 

  • All
  • Accepted (Once the registration approval has been accepted, access to the event will be sent to the event user by email)
  • Pending (Registration approval has been set but not yet accepted or rejected)
  • Not applicable (Displayed if no registration approval was set at the time the user was created)
  • Rejected (The event user should not be given access to the event. A cancellation is sent to the event user by email)

Automatic approval

If event users have been added via import or manually by you, they do not need to be approved again - these event users are automatically approved. These event users will then have "Not applicable" in the "Approval" column.

In case of a user self sign-up, the Sign-Up Approval can be activated at "Registered (Tenant) Users" or "Anonymous Users".
Sign-Up Approval

Under "Manage automatic approvals" you can add selected domains or email addresses to the whitelist to automatically share the registration. Domains and email addresses that are not whitelisted must be manually approved in the Participant Management Overview.
Sign-Up Approval

Difference registration whitelisting and registration approval whitelisting:

  • Registration whitelisting allows you to restrict registration to certain domains only. This means that only people whose e-mail contains the specified domain can register. 
    This is advantageous, for example, for an internal company event when only a certain group of people may register.
  • With the registration approval whitelisting feature, you can define domains that are to be approved automatically. This allows the registration approval to take place automatically by entering domains, which triggers the appropriate mail dispatch. 
    This makes sense to use with a heterogeneous subscriber field to facilitate the registration of internal employees and yet allow external only after approval.

Registration release status


Event users that have been created via user registration but not yet accepted or rejected are titled as "Pending" in the "Approval" column. 

Accepted / Rejected 

If event users have already been accepted or rejected, "Accepted" or "Rejected" will appear in the "Approval" column accordingly. 


How can event users be accepted or rejected? 

To manually accept or reject an event user after it has been registered ("Pending"), you must edit this participant individually. 

Go to the event user list and click on "Edit".


At the "Registration Approval" item, if not already accepted or rejected, it will say "Pending". 

Click the arrow next to it and select "Accepted" if you want the event user to be admitted to the event. 

If you select "Rejected", the event user will not be granted access to the event.

After making the appropriate selection, click Update User to save the changes. 

If an event user is approved during this process, the approval date will appear as an additional text field under the registration approval dropdown. 

This will also appear as an additional column in the Excel file during the event user export

After updating the event user, the corresponding selection will also appear in the event user list. 

Can the registration approval be changes afterwards?

Yes, you can still edit the registration approval afterwards and reject accepted event users or the other way around. 

Please note, however, that if event users have already received an invitation email or a confirmation email and have entered the event with the link, this cannot be reversed.

The event user can then only be removed from the event via "Delete". Once an event user has been deleted, he no longer has access to the event.