What is in this article?

This article provides an overview of the participant management options in STREAMBOXY and navigates to the corresponding sub-articles, which go into more detail on the respective points.

What does Participant Management in STREAMBOXY include?

In STREAMBOXY, participant management includes:


Attendees can be created and logged in to STREAMBOXY in a variety of ways.

This enables you to let your customers take part in the event as smoothly as possible.

This chart provides you with an overview of the different onboarding options.

If your approach is missing, please contact us!


  1. Manually
    Event users can be 
    created manually in STREAMBOXY Backstage. 
  2. Importing users
    In addition to the creation of a single user, you can also 
    import several users at the same time. 
  3. API
    You can also create participants for your event in the STREAMBOXY Backstage via the 
    API interface of STREAMBOXY.
  4. User Self-Signup
    In addition to creating attendees, you can provide your event attendees with a user registration form that they can use to register and 
    sign up for the event on their own.  

When creating event users in STREAMBOXY Backstage, "Custom Properties" can be used. This allows, for example, the creation of user profiles with interests, address data, etc. 


Event user overview

After the creation of event users, they are located in the event user list in the STREAMBOXY Backstage

Event user list

The list contains the name, email address, creation date, (Sign up) Approval and event role of each event user.

A search bar makes it possible to search and filter for individual event users.

Display of created event users

Once you have created an event user, it appears in the event user overview.

There you can see the name, the email address, the creation date, the date of the last edit, the login method, the assigned event role. Furthermore, the "Response" column shows you whether the event user has clicked on the access link or not.

The event users you have created can be edited and sorted according to your requirements in order to customise your user overview to suit your needs. 

To do this, you can edit the respective columns of the event users on the right. 


You can show these columns 

  • show them (tick is set) or
  • hide (tick is not set).

The columns that are already predefined are as follows

  • name
  • e-mail address
  • Created at
  • Modified at
  • Auth provider
  • Invitation Response
  • Double Opt In State
  • Sign Up Approval
  • Role


In addition, all custom properties created by you in the tenant settings are also displayed there as column filters.

To save the settings you have made, click on "Save columns" at the bottom of the selection.

save columns

If you want to reset the settings you have made, you can do this by clicking on the reset arrow.

The columns displayed in the event overview can also be customised according to your requirements

  • to other locations (click on the six dots and drag the column to your desired location),

  • enlarged (move your mouse between two columns and drag the size to the desired ratio),
  • reduced (move your mouse between two columns and drag the size to the desired ratio),
  • from A-Z (click on the two opposite arrows next to each column title) and
  • from Z-A (click on the two opposite arrows next to each column title).

Please note: The settings made in the event overview are only displayed locally in your browser. They are not adopted and displayed for all Backstage users.

Further options

In addition to an event user, you have various options.


  • Edit event user (pencil icon)
  • Remove event user (X symbol)
  • Copy access link to clipboard (at the three dots)
  • Resend invitation email (at the three dots)
  • Send manual email (at the three dots)

additional properties