What is in this article?

This article contains the following topics: 

  • What is a Tenant User?
  • What Tenant User roles exist?
  • Where are the Tenant Users displayed in STREAMBOXY?
  • How do I create and invite a Tenant User?

What is a Tenant User?

A tenant user is a user that was created for managing events (Backstage) or attending events (Stage) in your tenant.

Tenant user are created through invitation from an Administrator or implicit through attendee creation for an event.

What Tenant User roles exist?

The STREAMBOXY roles in the Stage are:

  • Participant
  • Speaker

The STREAMBOXY roles in the Backstage are:

  • Administrator/ Organiser
  • Read only access
  • Event administrator
  • Event user administrator
  • Limited Access 

Detailed information on the individual STREAMBOXY roles can be found here.

Where are the Tenant Users displayed in STREAMBOXY?

You can view the tenant users in the settings of your tenant.

You will find the settings in the upper left corner of the STREAMBOXY Backstage.

In the navigation bar that opens, click on "Tenant users" to create and invite them.

Tenant User Overview

By Default Only Users with role "Administrator" are shown. To view other user roles, you can change the filter in the Role Dropdown.

How do I create and invite a Tenant User?

As an administrator, you have the option of inviting up to five tenant administrators. They are authorised to operate all functionalities in the Backstage view.

If you require additional Tenant users, the number of five people can be increased by your customer advisor.

Tenant users can be added via the Public API. 

If your tenant user was added via a Public API /SCIM, it must also be edited and deleted in the respective source system. 

Source System

In STREAMBOXY, editing is greyed out and the user is protected.


Also a tenant user can be added via the "Add" button in the STREAMBOXY backstage. 


In the window that opens, first name, surname, email address and the login method (username / password, access key or Microsoft account) and the backstage role (limited access, administrator, read-only access, event administrator or event user administrator) must now be selected. As soon as you click on "Add", the newly created user receives an e-mail with a redirection to a password entry page - if he is registered as a Tenant user for the first time.

In order to invite or create a new Tenant User, you must specify the following elements (mandatory): 

First name

Enter the first name of the corresponding person here. This information is mandatory.

First name

Last name

Enter the last name of the corresponding person here. This information is mandatory.

Last name


Enter the e-mail address of the relevant person here. This information is not mandatory. 

Please ensure that the user has consented to the use of his/her e-mail.



You can use the alias field to store additional information about user. For example a login name for your internal system.

Login method

For the Sign-in method, decide between the access key, the STREAMBOXY account, the Microsoft account of the corresponding person or a custom SSO account. "STREAMBOXY account" is selected by default. 

Detailed information on the Sign-in method can be found here.

  • Username / password
    If you want to add a tenant user with an existing STREAMBOXY account, enter the corresponding data (first name, last name, email address). This user will then receive an e-mail confirming that administrator rights have been granted for the corresponding tenant. The user can then select and manage the new tenant in the respective account in the tenant selection. 

  • Microsoft Account
    If you want to add a user with an existing Microsoft account, only the selection that the user has a Microsoft account instead of a STREAMBOXY account changes. The registered user will also receive a confirmation e-mail.
    For some tenants, the STREAMBOXY admin account is entered for support purposes. If you delete this user, STREAMBOXY will no longer have access to your tenant.
    Support activities are no longer possible after removing the admin account. 

  • Access key
    The new tenant user receives an individual access key and can log in with it.
    Please note that access key users may only be created with the role "Limited Access". Further information on the Backstage role can be found in this article below.

Detailed information about the sign in method can be found here

Backstage Role

Select a Backstage role from the drop-down list for the corresponding person.

backstage role

You can choose between the following backstage roles: 

  • Limited Access
    If you select "Limited Access", the tenant user has no access to the backstage. The events are not displayed to them and they have no access to any settings or creation options. This setting is particularly important when creating event users. Explicitly creating tenant users with "Limited Access" is not reasonable.
  • Read-only access
    If you select "Read-only access", the tenant user will see the backstage including the event overview and the setting options, but will not be able to edit, adapt or create new functions. The fields for editing are then greyed out and they cannot be clicked on.

  • Event User Administrator
    If you have selected "Event user administrator", the tenant user can only view and edit the event user list and manually create, import or export event users. This tenant user then has no access to any other settings in the Backstage (other event settings and tenant settings).

  • Event Administrator
    If you have selected "Administrator", the tenant user can only access and edit the event settings. This tenant user then has no access to the tenant settings.
    Detailed information on the event settings can be found here.

  • Administrator
    If you have selected "Adminstrator", the tenant user has full access to all backstage settings (event settings and tenant settings).

By default, without further settings, "Administrator" is selected.

Further and detailed information on the Backstage role and the other STREAMBOXY roles can be found here.

Invitation email 

Activate the "Send invitation email" option if you want your added tenant to receive an invitation email.

If this option is not activated, the new tenant will not receive a notification that he/she has been added to a new tenant. Of course, the new tenant will still be displayed as an additional option in the tenant selection.

Send invitation mail

Editing the Tenant User Settings

To edit the tenant user settings, click on the pencil icon next to the tenant user in the tenant user list. 

Edit Tenant User

The following window "Edit user" opens. 

ATTENTION: This feature is currently in preview, more details can be found in this article. 

Here you can adjust the Backstage role and copy the stage access link to the clipboard. The sign up method cannot be adjusted afterwards. 

You can also manage the custom properties here.

With "Activate tenant user", the activation/deactivation in STREAMBOXY of backstage tenants and public API tenants can be managed in connection with SCIM.

Note: "This activates/deactivates the user in all tenants".

Users with username/password cannot be deactivated (as they cannot be assigned to a tenant).

No notifications (stage and backstage notifications) are sent for deactivated users.

The email address for Tenant users can now also be edited retrospectively for the Microsoft SSO and Individual SSO login methods. This is not possible when logging in with a user name and password.

Deleting a tenant user

You can delete a tenant user at any time by clicking on the cross next to the corresponding person.


The following window then opens, on which you must confirm the deletion.

Delete tenant user

Deletion removes the user's rights and roles.