What does this article say?

This article explains how to create individual agenda items or sessions at STREAMBOXY.

Agenda item or session?

In addition to the main session, there are other sessions that you can create.

You can store these in the agenda so that the (activated) participants can switch to the respective session.

A agenda item includes program items that do not require their own space in STREAMBOXY.

A session also has a space for a program item in which the actual interaction takes place. This is also known as a break-out session.

Session or pure agenda item?

In this example, the session is "Raum 1", which has the session type "Content Page". In the example, the agenda item is the "Pause" item.

If one of the three session types (live stream, conference, content page) is next to the title of the agenda item, then a session is stored.

If only the title of the item is visible, it is an agenda item.


In the stage, the sessions have a "Change room" button, which the participants can use to switch to the respective room. (Keynote Mr Stock)

Agenda items do not have a "Change room" button.

Change Room

When can I create the agenda and sessions?

As soon as you have created your event in the STREAMBOXY Backstage and set the general event properties (detailed information on event creation and general event properties can be found here), a navigation bar opens with further setting options.

Main session settings

This help article describes the agenda and session settings in detail.

Detailed articles on the other navigation elements can be found in this list: 

How do I create the agenda and sessions?

To access the agenda and session settings, click on "Agenda and Sessions" in the left navigation bar.

Agenda and sessions

Create agenda item

To create an agenda point, click on the button "+ Add agenda item" in the upper right corner.

add agenda item

The following window "New agenda item" then opens, in which you define the duration, the title and the description of the agenda item.

The duration, title and description are mandatory fields and are marked with an asterisk.

Only after you have filled in all the mandatory fields can you click on the "Confirm" button to save the new agenda item.

Add agenda item

Agenda time zone

You can use the time zone switcher to set the displayed time zone of your agenda item to the local time zone or the event time zone.

agenda timezone

Start and end

If you click on the calendar symbol, you can set the start time or correspondingly the end time of your agenda item. 

Start and end

Please note that the start and end of the agenda item must be within the time period of your event. 

For more information on how to set the time period of your event, click here.


Enter the title of the agenda item here.



Enter the description of the agenda item here.

As mentioned above, after these three settings you can save the new agenda item by clicking on "Submit".

Visibility of agenda item for participants

If you tick the box "Visible to participants", the corresponding agenda item is visible to participants in the stage. In the default setting, the tick is set, i.e. if you do not want to make an agenda item visible to participants, delete the tick.

This feature only applies to participants; speakers can see the agenda item at any time, regardless of the configuration.

You can check or uncheck the box at any time, even during your event, and thus change the visibility of individual agenda items live.

visible for participants

Whether an agenda item is visible to participants or not, is shown with an eye symbol left to the agenda item in the overview.


Create a Session 

To create a session, click on the button "+ Add session" in the upper right corner.

Add session

The following window "Add session" then opens, in which you define the duration, the title and the description of the session, as well as the session-specific settings.

Only after you have filled in all the mandatory fields can you click on the "Confirm" button to save the new agenda item.

add session window

External ID

If you have IDs from other systems such as shops etc., you can enter them in this field for the assignment. 

The field can also be used via the interface.

You can find more information about STREAMBOXY's API interface here.

External ID

Session Type

As in the main session settings, you can set the session type for each individual session.

Session type

Depending on the session type, you have different settings. Detailed information on the individual session types and the respective settings (identical to Main Session Settings) can be found here.

Session Poster

You can configure posters in each session.

To design and upload them, click on "Adjust session posters".

Session poster

Detailed information on the administration of session posters can be found here.


Here you can set permissions for an individual breakout room (or session).


Participant list visible for participants:

participant list visible to participants

Session permissions: 

session permissions

Please be aware that this box only appears if you have already created at least one particpant or speaker for your event.

Find detailed information about individual room permissions here.

Portal settings

Under this item you can edit the portal settings for the corresponding session. To do so, click on the button "Edit portal settings".

Now the window with the portal settings opens. Here you can set for whom a session is visible or bookable.

portal settings

Now select for whom the session is to be "visible" - here you have three options:

  • Backstage users:
    The session is only visible to users who have access to the STREAMBOXY Backstage.
  • Logged-in users:
    The session is visible to logged-in users.

  • Anonymous:
    The session is visible to everyone.

If you select "Logged in user" or "Anonymous", another item "Bookability" appears.

logged in user

Under "Visibility", "Logged in user" was selected


Under "Visibility", "Anonymous" was selected

Under the item "Bookability", you can decide for whom the session should be bookable. The prerequisite for this is an individual event portal. You can find more information here.

Under "Bookability" you can choose between two options: 

  • Backstage user: 
    Among the registered users or, if "Anonymous" is selected, among all, the users who are approved for the STREAMBOXY Backstage can book the session via the Event Portal.

  • Event user: 
    Among the registered users or, if "Anonymous" is selected, among all, event users can book the session via the Event Portal. 

To save the portal settings for the session, click on the "Save" button. 

Please note that an individual event portal must currently be created for these settings ("Portal Settings"). You can find more information here.

Session image

You can configure a session image in each session.

To design and upload a session image, click on "Edit session image".

session image

Detailed information on the administration of session image can be found here.


Under Interaction, you have the option of activating various interaction tools and setting individual features.

By automatically opening the panels, individual content can be opened and highlighted as soon as you enter the event.

This is helpful at a live event, for example, to navigate participants directly to surveys or Q&A on the move.

Interaction Tools

External Tools

Detailed information on external tools and how to create them can be found here.

To add a new external tool to your agenda item, you must first save the agenda item. 

external tools

You can save the agenda item by clicking the "Submit" button at the bottom.

This will take you back to the overview page of your agenda and sessions and you will see your previously created (and all previously created) agenda items.

session overview

If you now want to store an external tool, click on the pencil symbol to the right of the agenda item.

edit session

Now you get back to the agenda item settings and can add an external tool.

add new external tool

Edit Custom Properties

For detailed information on creating custom properties, see the Administrators documentation article.

If selected, these can now also be managed in the sessions.

Saving an agenda item/session

You can save the agenda item or session by clicking the "Submit" button at the bottom. This will take you to the overview of all agenda items for your event.

submit session

Agenda item - Actions

After an agenda item is created, you can perform three actions (copy, edit, delete). You can perform these actions at any time, even during your event.

Copy agenda item

If you want to copy an agenda item with all its settings, click on the following icon on the right: 

copy agenda or session item

Please note that livestreams must be re-embedded and are not copied. 

Edit agenda item

If you want to edit an agenda item, click on the pencil icon on the right:
edit agenda or session item

Delete agenda item

If you want to delete an agenda item, click on the cross symbol on the right: 

delete session or agenda item

Live adjustment of settings

You can configure and change individual settings in the session types at any time, even live during an event.

Please note that if you have already started the session, you can only change the session type of the respective session if you reset this session in the Stage. This can be done via the left navigation bar in the stage under the item "Session settings".

Further information on the respective session status can be found here.