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This article explains how to create individual agenda items or sessions at STREAMBOXY.

Agenda item or session?

In addition to the main session, there are other sessions that you can create.

You can store these in the agenda so that the (activated) participants can switch to the respective session.

A pure agenda item comprises programme items that do not require their own room in STREAMBOXY. 

A session also has a room for a programme item in which the actual interaction takes place. This is also known as a break-out session.

Agenda and session

When can I create the agenda and sessions?

As soon as you have created your event in the STREAMBOXY Backstage and set the general event properties (detailed information on event creation and general event properties can be found here), a navigation bar opens with further setting options.

How do I create the agenda and sessions?

To access the agenda and session settings, click on "Agenda and Sessions V2" in the event settings in the left-hand navigation bar.

Create agenda item

To create an agenda point, click on the button "+ Add agenda item" in the upper right corner.

The following "New agenda item" window then opens, in which you can define the title, description, start and end time and visibility for agenda participants.

Start and end

If you click on the calendar icon, you can set the start or end time of your agenda item. 

Start and end

Please note that the start and end of the agenda item must be within the time period of your event. 

Visibility of agenda item for participants

If you check the "Visible to participants" box, the corresponding agenda item is visible to participants in the stage. In the default setting, the box is checked, i.e. if you do not want to make an agenda item visible to participants, uncheck the box.

This feature only applies to participants; speakers can see the agenda item at any time, regardless of the configuration.

You can set or delete the checkmark at any time, even during your event, and thus change the visibility of individual agenda items live.

visible for participants tick

Whether an agenda item is visible to the participants or not is indicated by an eye symbol in the overview.


Create a Session 

If you do not want to leave the agenda item as pure information about title, description and time or duration, you can add a session, i.e. a (breakout) room, to the agenda item by clicking on the "Add session" button.

The following window "New session" will then open, in which you can define the duration, title and description of the session, as well as the session-specific settings.

Click on the "Confirm" button to save the session.

new session

External ID

If you have IDs from other systems such as shops etc., you can enter them in this field for the assignment. 

The field can also be used via the interface.

You can find more information about STREAMBOXY's API interface here.

External ID

Session Type

As in the main session settings, you can set the session type for each individual session.

Edit session

You have different settings depending on the session type. Detailed information on the individual session types and the respective settings (identical to main session settings) can be found here.

Session Poster

You can configure posters in each session.

To design and upload them, click on "Adjust session posters".


- Standard: A STREAMBOXY standard poster with the logo and information on the session status is displayed.

- Individual: With an individual poster, you can either integrate externally provided content pages, images and applications (provided this is permitted by the owner) into STREAMBOXY as an iframe or insert independently created pages from the Content Manager into STREAMBOXY.

In order to personalize content, STREAMBOXY allows the use of URL placeholders to transfer session title, user name, language, user ID, etc. Further information and help on this option can be found here.

Common use cases include embedded personal greetings, surveys, contact forms, etc.

- Templates: Under Template, you can select one of the templates provided by STREAMBOXY. You can choose between a poster with countdown or a session planner for the participants.

Detailed information on the administration of session posters can be found here.


Here you can set permissions for an individual breakout room (or session).


Session User

Here you can assign individual session roles to your participants independently of the event role for this session.

For example, this function can be used to create an event participant in a sub-session as a speaker, giving them more rights for this room than they would otherwise have in their participant role.

A reminder can also be sent to inform your event user of this setting.

Session User

To adjust settings in this regard, click on the pencil icon on the right in the line of the desired event user.

session user role

Portal settings

Attention: This setting can only be used with a STREAMBOXY video portal. Under this item you can edit the portal settings for the corresponding session. To do so, click on the button "Edit portal settings".

Portal settings

You have three options when it comes to visibility:

  • Nobody: The session is only visible to users who have access to the STREAMBOXY Backstage.
  •  Registered (tenant) users: The session is visible to users who are logged in.
  • Anonymous users: The session is visible to everyone.

If you select "Registered (tenant) users" or "Anonymous users", a further item "Bookability" appears.

Under "Bookability", you can decide for whom the session should be bookable.

You can choose between two options: 

  • No one: No one can book this session.
  • Event participants: Among the registered users or, if "Anonymous" is selected, among all, event participants can book the session via the event portal. 

Please note that an individual event portal must currently be created for these settings ("Portal settings"). Further information can be found here.

Session image

Attention: This setting can only be used with a STREAMBOXY video portal. You can configure a session image in each session.

To design and upload a session image, click on "Edit session image".


Under Interaction, you have the option of activating various interaction tools and setting individual features.

By automatically opening the panels, individual content can be opened and highlighted as soon as you enter the event.

This is helpful at a live event, for example, to navigate participants directly to surveys or Q&A on the move.


External Tools

Detailed information on external tools and how to create them can be found here.

STREAMBOXY can integrate any external tools, such as Mentimeter or whiteboard tools, into the platform and thus make events more interactive.

External Tool

Custom Properties

For detailed information on creating custom properties, see the Administrators documentation article.

If selected, these can now also be managed in the sessions, for example to make only individual sessions available to the public or to registered (tenant) users in a video portal. 

Agenda item - Actions

After an agenda item is created, you can perform three actions (copy, edit, delete). You can perform these actions at any time, even during your event.

Copy agenda item

If you want to copy an agenda item with all its settings, click on the following icon on the right: 


Please note that livestreams must be re-embedded and are not copied. 

Edit agenda item

If you want to edit an agenda item, click on the pencil icon on the right:


Delete agenda item

If you want to delete an agenda item, click on the cross symbol on the right: 
