This article describes and explains what a Conference  is at STREAMBOXY and which configurations can be made.

Conference is STREAMBOXY's conference tool and one of three (currently existing) session types.

The session types are Livestream, Conference , Content Page

Depending on the selection of the session type, there are different setting options. 

You can find an overview of the session types.

Detailed information on the other session types.

A conference enables an interactive exchange between several participants via webcam and screen sharing (max. 250 participants in one video conference). 

The focus here is on collaboration. Participants and speakers have different functions and possibilities (more information on the STREAMBOXY roles).

Applications of a conference

A conference is suitable in the following cases, for example. 

Please note that the following key points are only a selection of many possible applications.

  • Small group work
  • Q&A
  • meet & greet
  • etc.

Modes in Conference

In general, a distinction can be made between two modes (standard conference with authorisation system, Microsoft Teams interoperability) in Conference. The selected mode can be configured in the STREAMBOXY Backstage.

Further information on Backstage can be found here.

Standard Conference with Authorisation System

If you select the standard conference with authorisation system, it will be displayed in STREAMBOXY  with all usual conference tools and functionalities. When entering the conference, participants are not authorised to switch on their microphone and camera or to share their screen. 

Only the speaker can authorise the participants to do so. For more information on conference features, see the Participant Help article and the Speaker Help article (coming soon).

Microsoft Teams Interoperability

STREAMBOXY's Conference gives you the ability to link your Microsoft Teams appointment to a STREAMBOXY session. You can then join that meeting both through Microsoft Teams and through the STREAMBOXY session you set up. Users thus use the joining point to an online meeting that is familiar and convenient for them. The following scenario is thus conceivable:

  • Internal company participants use the usual infrastructure and use an MS Teams calendar invitation.
  • Non-company participants are invited via STREAMBOXY and use STREAMBOXY's smooth and secure access mechanisms. Remember: you can fully whitelabel your users' access route - whether domain or corporate identity, they receive your external users with the design of your choice. 

Current limitations:

  • Messages from STREAMBOXY do not show up in teams (and vice versa).
  • Conference permission models only work within Conference.
  • Conference convenience features (spotlight, raise hand, etc) only work within Conference.
  • Recording of Sessions with enabled teams interoperability can just be done using Microsoft Teams

How do I configure a conference?

You can configure a conference either as a session type for the main session (lobby) or as a session type for a breakout room (agenda item).

Detailed information on the main session settings.

Detailed information on the agenda and its sessions.

In both cases, the same settings apply and you must select "Conference" for the "Session Type" item in the Backstage settings. Here you can make further settings. 

Further information on the Backstage.

Participant permissions

Under the item "Participant permissions" you can decide whether and how your participants can participate in the session. 

By ticking the appropriate box, you can allow audio, video, screen sharing and "raise hand" option for participants. 

If allowed, participants can then either switch on their microphone and/or camera in the conference and/or share their screen with everyone. 

If permissions are permitted in the backstage, they are generally possible in the stage and can no longer be influenced by the speaker.


Here you can define the settings for onboarding. 

By ticking the checkbox, the onboarding is displayed before an event user enters the conference.

If the onboarding is to be displayed, it is displayed like this in the stage:

Conference stage overview

So before the event user enters the conference, he can set the following devices independently: 

  • Microphone
  • Speaker
  • Camera
  • Screensharing

For example, the "Camera" device can be set to either the laptop camera (usually set by default) or an external camera. 

By clicking on the button "Join conference", the event user enters the conference with the previously set devices. 

Tile settings

Here you can set the frame settings. 

Here you can define how the event users are displayed in the tiles, i.e. whether the video of the conference should fill out the frame "Crop" or be fitted into the frame ("Fit").

Video filled in frame: 

Video filled in frame

Video fit in frame: 

video fit in frame

Conference recording

By ticking this box, you can decide whether your conference session should be recorded. 

Please note that this may incur additional costs. You can find more information in your offer or on our website.

If you tick the box, the recording will be available to you after your event and you can download it in Backstage by clicking on the "Conference recordings" button. 

This is only possible after the event has been completed. 

ATTENTION: This feature is currently in preview, more details can be found in this article.

Tick the box "Autostart conference recording when session starts for participants" and save with the lower "Confirm" button so that your conference starts automatically when the session starts for the participants.


submit autostart 


If the automatic recording start is not selected, you can start the recording in the stage under the three dots.


start recording manually 

Caution: The conference recording is only possible without Microsoft Teams Interoperability. If you want to record your session with Microsoft Teams Interoperability, the recording must be started by the appointment organizer via Teams Client and is not available on the platform.

Information why the set conference does not start a recording can be found in the documentation article of the same name.

Microsoft Teams Interoperability

If you want to use Microsoft Teams in STREAMBOXY, check the box "Microsoft Teams Interoperability enabled". 

For more information on Microsoft Teams interoperability, see "Modes in Conference" earlier in this article.

In the box that opens, add the appropriate Microsoft Teams meeting link so that end users can join the attached Teams meeting directly in STREAMBOXY.

To be able to open the meeting directly in Microsoft Teams, check the box "Participants can open the conference in Microsoft Teams ". 

Detailed information on further setting options can be found in the "Main Session" and "Agenda and Session" help articles. 

To save your settings and changes, click on "Submit" below. 

How do I get into the Conference?

As before, participants receive an invitation link that takes them directly to the event and thus also to the teams meeting in STREAMBOXY. The Conference is integrated into an event.

Further information on the session login.
Further information on onboarding for participants.

Further information on the settings before you open the Conference session.

Participation in Conference

People can enter Conference as a participant or as a speaker.

These roles have different opportunities to act in the conference.

Detailed information on the Conference functions for participants.

Detailed information on the Conference functions for speakers.