What are digital events?

Digital events, also known as online events or virtual events, are events that take place online rather than at a physical location. They can be held in various formats, such as:

  • Webinars: Live broadcasts of presentations, lectures, or workshops that participants can attend over the internet.
  • Conferences: Multi-day events with multiple sessions, presentations, and networking opportunities.
  • Trade shows: Virtual exhibition spaces where companies can showcase their products and services.
  • Product launches: Online events to introduce new products or services to the public.
  • Training: Online courses and workshops on a variety of topics.
  • Internal meetings: Virtual meetings for teams and companies.

Digital events offer numerous advantages over traditional events, such as:

  • Lower costs: There are no costs for venue rental, catering, travel, and accommodation.
  • Greater reach: Participants can attend from anywhere in the world.
  • Flexibility: Participants can attend the event on their own schedule.
  • Interactivity: There are various ways for participants to engage during the event, such as through chat, Q&A sessions, and polls.
  • Sustainability: There is less waste and CO2 emissions.

How can digital events be realised in STREAMBOXY?

As every event should be customised, there is no ‘set way’ to set up a digital event.

However, there are various components that must be included in every digital event.

Participant management

If an event is organised digitally, the participants must also be given access to the digital event. In STREAMBOXY there are various ways in which participants can be added to your event. We have summarised them all for you in the attendee management overview.

Participant management also includes contacting participants. It is possible to create individualised emails for your attendees in our Content Manager and send them via the event notification settings. This is not only possible via the email server already included in STREAMBOXY, but can also be sent using your own SMTP mail server.

The already registered participants can be flexibly managed in the event user overview.

We have summarised any queries your participants may have about using STREAMBOXY in our participant documentation.

Session types

In STREAMBOXY there are three event types that can be integrated into your digital event. You have the option of creating livestreams(one to many format), conferences(many to many) or content pages in your events and combining them by using subsessions.

Event components in addition to the session type

In addition to the session type, further content can be positioned in your event. These can either be internalor external interaction tools or added as additional menu items

Individualise digital events

In STREAMBOXY, your digital events can be customised for you with the following content:

If you have any further questions about the design of your digital event, please contact us with your requirements.